Photo: Halvard Kr. Toften
Useful and Important Information
Clothing and equipment
Dronningruta does not require equipment out of the ordinary, but it can be advised to wear a pair of hiking boots and a windproof jacket, due to the wet and windy weather in Northern Norway.
There are no places to top up on drinking water along the trail, so bring plenty from home as well as some food to keep up your blood sugar levels. The last thing you want is to go hiking with a grumpy friend who does not enjoy the experience to the fullest!
Keep the trail clean!
Preserve the natural areas we are so fortunate to be surrounded by, and do not leave any rubbish behind. Rubbish bins are provided at both destinations.
Complete Dronningruta on your own or part of an organised group? (about how to get a tour guide etc.)
Useful phone numbers (mobile coverage along the trail)
Vær oppmerksom på at utvalgte eller store deler av turen er uten mobildekning. Dette avhenger spesielt av hvilket mobilnett din mobiloperatør benytter. Derfor er det lurt å ta generelle forhåndsregler og ikke gjøre seg avhengig av mobiltelefonen på tur.
Nyttige telefonnummer kan være Politi 112 og Legevakt 116 117.
Please note that there is no mobile coverage on some or large parts of Dronningruta. This depends especially on which mobile network your mobile operator uses. Therefore, it is advisable to take general precautions and do not make yourself dependant on your mobile phone when hiking. Useful phone numbers are Police on 112 and the local out-of-hours medical service on 116 117. These will be available despite limited mobile coverage.
Coverage map for Telenor and Telia.
Tour guide
It is also possible to hire a local tour guide to lead the way. Contact Visit Vesterålen, Vesterålen Turlag or the Cultural Department in Øksnes municipality.